According to new research, aerobic exercise increases your brain power and helps improve your memory. The University of Western Australia revealed walking for 50 minutes three times a week will make you smarter.
The study:
- The study took a group that had exercised an average of 20 minutes extra a day and found they performed better on cognitive tasks and had improved delayed recall compared to a control group.
- People who are physically fitter are less likely to experience high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease and strokes, all of which are risk factors for dementia.
- Physical exercise also maintains good blood flow to the brain and may encourage new brain cells.
- A study from the University of Illinois found that people that exercised had sharper brains and those that are out of shape and become fit become sharper.
General Practitioner Dr Penny Adams joined the show this morning, and she reminds everybody that exercise can also help improve our memories.
How your memory works
The brain is made up of over 100 billion neurons that are interconnected. With age, the connections (synapses) start to die. The synapses allow for information to move between neurons and other brain cells, allowing the absorption and retention of information.
How to protect the brain and memory function
Not only should you get active, as stated above, but you should strive to reduce stress levels.
Prolonged levels of stress can lead to the build up of a neurotransmitter called glutamate in the synapses. It becomes toxic, killing the synapses (connector between the cells). Stress can also cause neurons to shrink in the brain. So, stress less by adjusting your schedule, ensuring you have enough relaxation/down time. Exercise regularly and adopt relaxation techniques such as meditation.
Feed your brain
Antioxidants help to neutralise free radicals that break down the neurons in our brains. Colourful fruits and vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts and spices contain antioxidants. Fish and fish oil products are also beneficial for cell growth.
Stimulate the brain
The less the brain is stimulated, the less the synapses will function – use it or lose it! This is a good excuse to start playing games, take up a new hobby, do crosswords, read more often, play a musical instrument and partake in stimulating conversation.
Brain training games and exercises will also improve your mental agility and increase the longevity of cells – essential for keeping dementia at bay. The power really is yours… so take an active role in improving your mental wellbeing.
(Information sourced from University of Western Australia)
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