Do you constantly have digestive issues? If you avoid some foods, you may find your tummy will thank you!
Some people treat their bodies like a designer hand bag, others, like the plastic bags you use as a bin liner. A ‘designer bag body’ is fed a healthy diet with the right mix of nutrients, water and soluble and insoluble fibre which provides good fuel enabling the body to work more efficiently. When you’re having tummy troubles like bloating or diarrhea, what to eat and what not to eat becomes equally important.
Here are foods to avoid when you are having tummy problems.
Spicy food maybe something you want to avoid if you’re experiencing vomiting and diarrhea. Spicy foods may stimulate the digestive system.They have no effect on some people, but cause problems for others. In general, you should choose bland foods when you’re having digestive problems and keep the spices at a mild level when your tummy is feeling better. Not everyone can actually digest hot spicy food.
Dairy is one food group that can be hard to digest mainly because of the naturally occurring sugar it contains – lactose. When lactose isn’t digested properly, such as in people with lactose intolerance, gas, bloating, diarrhea or even worse may be experienced. If suffering from digestive problems, it may still be okay to eat yogurt and hard cheeses because they have no or very low levels of lactose, or you can try lactose-free milk. If you are concerned about your calcium levels, there are alternatives to dairy that provide good sources of calcium.
Processed foods also often contain preservatives and artificial coloring, and people with allergies or sensitivities to these additives will feel their effects during digestive problems.
Artificial sweeteners may upset your tummy. Perhaps most associated with digestive problems is sorbitol. Once sorbitol reaches the large intestine, it often creates gas. If you are having digestive problems read the food labels and avoid food that contains artificial sweeteners, such as chewing gum, sugar free sweets and cordial, as they may give you gas, bloating and diarrhea. Afterall, they are artificial so you can’t expect the body to process them properly!
Alcoholic drinks are the last thing you should have if you’re not feeling well. Nutritionally speaking, alcohol itself has no nutrients and will also give you extra “unwanted” calories – and slow down your weight loss. Alcohol is toxic to the stomach and drinking too much can cause a variety of health problems. Drink in moderation, and preferably only once a week.
Caffeine is making contents move more quickly through your system, and excessive amounts can give anyone diarrhea. So if you already have diarrhea, caffeine will only worsen your digestive problem. Remember that tea, soda, and chocolate are other sources of caffeine, and should be put on hold until tummy troubles go away. Caffeine can also reduce your ability to sleep, so if you are already lethargic, staying up all night with a caffeine high is not going to help!
sauce and citrus fruits, such as lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruits, are acidic and can cause digestive problems. Even carbonated beverages are acidic. When you have an upset stomach, avoid acidic foods.
Avoid high-fat foods, like butter, ice cream, and cheese – these foods should already be limited in your diet as they are not recommended on most healthy eating plans and will otherwise slow down your weight loss. Fatty foods can surprisingly, either slow down the emptying of the stomach and worsen constipation or speed up movement and lead to diarrhea. The effect can depend on the type of fat and your tendency toward constipation or diarrhea.
Deep fried foods similar to fatty foods and can either lead to diarrhea or causing you to feel full and bloated. In saying that, deep fried food isn’t recommended in most weight loss programs anyway. Processed foods should be avoided if you are feeling constipated because they lack fibre, which helps regulate bowel movements.
Sweet or salty foods can be hard to digest – small amounts can be included in a healthy diet. Chocolate, a sweet-tooth favorite, can cause digestive problems including heartburn.
Food poisoning is usually a very unpleasant experience and can actually be life threatening so be aware of the symptoms. Many refrigerated foods can go bad, such as dated items like eggs, dairy products and meat. Eating contaminated or overdue foods can cause digestive problems such as diarrhea, vomiting or worse.
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