Sources of Vitamin D

The main food sources of Vitamin D will be revealed here.

There are several forms of Vitamin D – vitamin D3 (the main form) will be discussed here, and will be referred to as vitamin D. Vitamin D is produced in the liver and kidneys following the skin’s absorption of sunlight.



Food High in Calcium

Food high in Calcium will provide the vital mineral for good bone health. The body has more than 99% of calcium in the bones. Calcium is also necessary for blood clotting, muscle and nerve function.

Calcium and phosphate metabolism are controlled by parathyroid hormone (PTH), calcitonin and vitamin D. Plasma calcium concentration is highly controlled […]

Healthy Weight Loss

Healthy Weight Loss can happen for all of us if we know what caused the weight gain in the first place. Excess body weight is made up of unused energy. A pound of body fat (0.45kg) represents approximately 3500 calories of stored energy (unused calories). In order to shed a pound of fat, you have […]


Water would be considered the most important nutrient of all. Naturally so, considering the average adult male has 60% water content and about 51% in females. Males have higher water content than males due to their greater muscle mass, which stores water.


Water is vital for many physiological and biochemical processes within the body.



Small concentrations of vitamins can be found in foods. Each vitamin has a particular and unique role to play within the body. Vitamins are essential within the diet as the human body is not able to synethesise most vitamins (except vitamins D and K. Some foods contain precursors or provitamins of specific vitamins – that […]

Foods containing Protein

There are many foods containing proteins. Below is a comprehensive list of these foods.

What are proteins? Each particular protein is characterised by a group of amino acids arranged in a special sequence.


There are many sequence combinations and many different proteins as there are 20 major different types of amino acids. Each protein […]

Ideal Body Fat for Athletes

In order for an athlete to maintain their ideal body fat and weight range we need to consider many factors.


Fat plays an important role in the body by providing an excellent energy source and supplying essential vitamins only found in fat. It is also an important site for sex hormone production and nervous […]

Protein for Sports – Will I bulk up?

Daily protein requirement for athletes is one of the more controversial areas of sports nutrition. The issue relates specifically to whether athletes have an increased need for protein compared to sedentary individuals.


Muscle tissue is made from protein, so it is thought that if an athlete consumes a greater amount of protein then they […]

Complex Carbohydrates for Sports

Below is a list of complex carbohydrates, but first we need to discuss why they are important.

There are many factors that influence the quantity and type of fuels within an athlete’s nutrition plan that are utilised when exercising. The two large determining factors include the intensity and duration of exercise.


In general, the […]

Nutrition for Sport

When planning Nutrition for Sports, there are many nutritional goals that sports and fitness people need to meet. So we need to consider the following:


Do we meet the nutrient needs writing service that arise from strenuous exercise? This includes high carbohydrate, moderate protein, low fat diet with sufficient fluids.


Do we promote […]