Lose Weight in your Lunch Hour


Is your job causing you to put on weight? Use your lunch hour to shape up and get healthy.


Are you stuck inside for the majority of your day? Tied to the desk? Does your lunch hour (or half hour!) usually involve a fast food fix from the local takeaway shop? Follow these […]

What are Good Fats and Bad Fats?

So which fats are good, and which are bad?


Saturated Fats


Saturated fats originate from animal sources and are typically solid at room temperature. They have all been given a bad wrap recently because they have been known to increase LDL cholesterol levels (bad cholesterol) thereby increasing the risk of coronary heart disease. […]

Double your Weight Loss

There is a proven way to increase your weight loss results by an incredible 200%. One of the largest and longest running weight-loss trials ever conducted has confirmed these amazing results. I bet you’re asking, how do I get hold of this information, magic remedy or miracle pill.

Well let me shed some light on […]

Motivation and Perserverance

As many of you would agree, we generally set out to do something new with great enthusiasm and energy, only to find in a short amount of time the novelty has worn off and the motivation level has dropped considerably. Pretty soon, we quit because it seems all too hard.


So how can we […]

Hidden Weight Gain Traps


be surprised!

So you’ve been eating well, hitting the gym and watching what you put in the grocery basket — but either the scales are lying or you’re still piling on the kilos. How can that be?

While it’s easy to spot the calories in fried foods and soft drinks, many of us […]

Holiday Eating Tips

How do you cope with Holiday Seasons? Whether it is a long weekend, or a few weeks’ holiday, breaks from your normal routine can spell disaster for your healthy eating and exercise regime. How do you resist the temptation of the sweet goodness, cocktails, and endless days of entertaining with friends? Well there are a […]

9 Easy Tips to Look after your Liver

Train your Brain!

According to new research, aerobic exercise increases your brain power and helps improve your memory. The University of Western Australia revealed walking for 50 minutes three times a week will make you smarter.


The study:

The study took a group that had exercised an average of 20 minutes extra a day and found […]

What is a Carbohydrate?

What is a carbohydrate? Carbohydrates,

as the name suggests, are compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The common abbreviation for carbohydrates is therefore CHO. CHOs contribute a substantial proportion of energy to the daily diet – the brain relies almost exclusively on CHO to function, and the other tissues, nerves, and muscles use […]

50 Ways to Lose your Love Handles

Simple tricks for cutting (or burning) 100 calories a day can help you trim 10 pounds (4.5kg) in a year.

Weight loss really can be as simple as shaving 100 calories per day. Weight loss experts agree that the best way to win the battle of the bulge is not through strict diets but […]