All through life we need to have a plan. Business plans, marketing plans, wedding plans……. the list goes on! Losing weight isn’t much different. Before you can successfully lose weight for the long term, you need to do six things. You probably won’t like the first three, but it’s critically important that you complete each of these tasks:
1. Weigh yourself and write it down
2. Measure yourself with a tape measure and write it down
3. Take a “before photo” of yourself in your bathing suit
4. Write down what weight and/or size you want to be and when
5. Write down WHY being that weight and/or size is important to you
6. Plan your rewards
If you have already begun doing Personal Training with us, most of this list would have been taken care of for you. But others are your responsibility, and can be a real key to the chance of your life long weight loss success. Let’s talk about these 6 points in greater detail.
Numbers 1 & 2:
These help you establish where you are right now. You may not choose to track both measurements throughout your weight loss journey, but when you reach your goal you may want to compare where you are then with where you came from.
On Your Mark, Get Set…
Number 3:
May be the most important step in your weight loss journey. The reason you want to lose weight is because you are dissatisfied with where you are now. Put your before photo somewhere you will see it every day. This photo will be a constant reminder of why you’re making these changes in your life. It’ll also be a wonderful reminder of how far you came once you reach your goal – you’ll want to take an “after photo” then to compare it with.
Number 4:
Is your measureable goal. It needs to be realistic and attainable or it will
only set you up for failure. Most weight loss experts recommend shooting for a half a kilo of weight loss per week for a sustainable pattern. On the other hand, it’s not uncommon to lose a kilo or two in the first week or two if you’re overweight and just getting started with diet and exercise improvements.
Number 5:
Makes your weight loss real. Let’s say you have a weight range goal that you want to be down to by the end of 12 weeks. Why is that important to you? What would dropping to that weight mean to you? What is your real reason for losing weight – is it because of a physical condition? Low self-esteem? Wedding plans? Family plans? Figure out what that is, then write down how you will feel about yourself once you reach your goal.
Number 6:
Is where you get to have some fun! Losing weight and getting fit is a worthy goal. It is still a challenge, but well worth it! That’s why you should plan now how you’re going to reward yourself when you hit your target weight or fitness goal. If you have a long way to go to reach your “real” goal, set smaller goals on the way. Maybe after you drop 5 kilos will treat yourself to a massage, buy a new suit, or get a new mountain bike. Be creative!
Now it’s time to get it done and make it real. As you reach your weight loss goals, be sure to share your success with us and family and friends!
Now… GO!
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Last week we talked about a few frustrations that we face as Personal Trainers……. the never ending barrage of fad diets, weight loss gizmos and useless exercise gadgets!
Now let’s get into a few more of our Weight Loss Scams:
“Too-good-to-be-true” weight loss miracles.
If you find a diet plan or product tells you you’re going to experience “overnight results,” turn around and back away from it without removing your wallet or purse from your pocket!
We guarantee it’s
a lie.
On a healthy controlled weight loss program, most people lose an average of one to two kilos per week, depending on their weight, age, gender, physical ability and body chemistry. During the first few weeks, obese individuals can lose three or even more kilos per week in controlled circumstances. (Note: Most people lose more weight in the first few weeks of any diet than they do in subsequent weeks.) What’s more, if someone doesn’t have a lot of weight to lose, they’ll lose weight a little slower than someone who has a great deal to shed. This can be frustrating for those that only have a few kilos to lose, but it is the reality of it.
That’s why some of the heavier contestants on TV shows like The Biggest Loser start off losing 5 – 7 kilos (or more) the first week. Sure, a fair bit of the weight they initially lose is water weight, but most of these men and women are also used to stuffing their bodies with thousands of excess calories each day. So it is easy to see why they lose weight quickly when they get on a program where they’re replacing bad foods with healthier alternatives and taking in the right amount of calories. (Not to mention the non-stop exercise regime on that TV show.)
In the category of “too-good-to-be-true” weight loss miracles, you typically see a lot of products such as liquid diet drinks, diet patches, and diet pills. Now we’ve got to be honest, some diet pills are truly backed by scientific research and they may help speed up a sluggish metabolism or provide the nutrients you may be lacking to help you burn fat faster.
Make no mistake, there’s no such thing as a magic potion to instantly turn you “celebrity slim” overnight. Real, long term weight loss comes from altering what you eat (removing the processed additives), when you eat, and your activity level. Here’s another tip: diet patches plain don’t work—at least not the ones advertised by fly-by-night companies on the Internet and in some vitamin retail stores. You see, most of these diet patches don’t contain any beneficial fat-fighting ingredients at all. And even if they did, there’s no way your skin could absorb these ingredients—they’re just too large to be absorbed through the skin, plain and simple. It would be like laying down and putting your lunch on your tummy and expecting your tummy to be full – it just doesn’t work that way! Don’t waste your money.
“Fat-free” foods and pre-packaged diet foods.
There are some things that are beneficial about pre-packaged diet meals. They do offer great portion control, reducing over-eating. And generally they are well calorie controlled. But that’s about the extent of the benefits.
Most of these pre-packaged foods (along with most processed “fat-free” foods) contain hidden unhealthy additives, such as high fructose corn syrup, refined sugars, MSG, and saturated fats. Plus, most of these foods are low in vitamins and minerals and low in protein, which you need to stimulate your metabolism and build muscle tone. Not to mention the fact that they’re packed with sodium, which can cause water retention and bloating.
In other words, most pre-packaged and diet foods are really low-quality “dead foods.” Plus, they are extremely expensive.
Here’s a question for you: What do you think happens when someone stops buying these prepackaged foods and tries to cook for themselves? If she hasn’t learned the proper way to cook and combine foods and time her food intake, chances are she’s going to return to her normal bad eating patterns and gain all that weight back.
So if you’re thinking about using pre-packaged foods or delivered meals because of the convenience factor, just be sure to look at the ingredients and compare them to what you have been taught about fresh ingredients versus additives. Make sure you’re not consuming the wrong types of foods. After all, many pre-packaged diet foods are stuffed with additives and preservatives which actually contribute to weight gain!
What’s more, you need to learn how to combine, cook and plan meals in order to achieve life long weight management.
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Have you ever wondered why the Weight Loss Industry is such a booming industry, yet we still see so many overweight and unhappy people in our society? Truth is, there are often more weight loss scams out there than there are real weight loss solutions. Let me point out a couple of my favourites:
Restrictive diet plans:
Here’s a tip: Let’s face it, if you start an eating plan that you can’t sustain for life – you are destined to fail. Sure,
you may lose a few kilos initially, but if the plan is not sustainable, then you will not only regain those kilos, plus a few more for your trouble!
Cabbage soup diets, grapefruit diets, liquid diets, no-carb diets, no-fat diets, all-protein diets, soup diets, banana diets, black bean diets, Hollywood diets, marshmallow diets, they all have one thing in common—they are a fad and don’t work for long.
Why not? They are not a balanced, lifelong strategy. Over the years, we have spoken to countless desperate clients that have tried the craziest diets you can imagine. We get truly frustrated everytime we hear the same ol’ story. After all, if you’ve ever struggled with your weight, you are prepared to try anything, right?
And it’s usually at this time of vulnerability and desperation that you stumble across the next most “successful” fad diet and you truly believe this is the key to your success once and for all!
Let us fill you in on the truth: regardless of what the new diet claims, or regardless of what the paid bikini model is saying about the new diet plan, if you don’t think you can sustain the changes for life, then it is just as useless as all the other plans you have already tried!
The real solution? A sustainable healthy eating plan without the fads, gimics and restrictions. Don’t fall for the latest shake, pill or weight loss bar…….. if you don’t see yourself still eating those products in 10 years time, then don’t start in the first place!
Ab Rollers, Belts and Gadgets
Yes, we have all seen the infomercials with the buff man and the sexy bikini model demonstrating the latest Ab “toy”. And that’s exactly what they are… toys! Over the years many clients have told us that they have bought and experimented with the latest contraption, desperate to get the ripped 6 pack abs!
The only ripping that these gismos will do is to your wallet! Very few of them have any scientific backing and most are cheap imports that will actually cause more damage to your body than good.
If you have any of these contraptions, throw them away! Good chance they are in the cupboard gathering dust, having not seen the light of day since the week after you bought them!
Instead, if you want ripped 6 pack abs, make sure your food plan is conducive to reaching this goal in the first place. Then ensure you master safe sit ups or ab crunches. Besides – if your diet is not good and you have too much “padding”, it won’t matter how ripped you are if you can’t see them!
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By now, exercise has become a key component of your Health and Fitness regime. But is your nutrition plan as organised as your exercise? Before you can realistically start making progress towards your nutrition goals, you must have these themes firmly in the forefront of your mind so all future eating occurs from the perspective of the following:
1. Timing of food
This refers to the frequency of eating each day and when you eat in relation to exercise. Adjusting your nutrient timing so post-exercise energy intake is the priority, can have a number of beneficial health and performance effects.
Combine these benefits with the increased ability
to control energy intake when eating the right type of foods more frequently and the following becomes apparent:
For the majority of individuals, timing is the most important factor for achieving success with your nutrition goals.
Effective food timing also helps you avoid becoming over hungry which often leads to a feeding frenzy where any type of food is devoured in large amounts.
The key to success here is to be proactive and eat before the hunger signals arrive…this is where having the right nutrition plan and being prepared is critical.
2. Type of food
Eating food with an abundance of fibre and nutrients at every meal, such as whole fruit and vegetables, helps to control energy intake and dramatically improves your health.
In situations other than post-exercise, be aware of consuming highly processed or refined food and fluids that are typically energy- and sugar-rich and low in nutrient value. After exercise, a combination of foods and/or fluids high in carbohydrate and protein is ideal for providing a rapid recovery.
3. Amount of food
This involves adjusting portion sizes according to your exercise needs and/or weight loss goals. Most people consider that consuming the appropriate amount of food is the most important aspect of nutrition. However, if you’re on track with nutrient timing and eat the right types of food with every meal, the amount of food you consume will in most cases take care of itself. What this means is that the body is remarkably good at letting you know how much to eat when you eat regular amounts of food that provide a feeling of fullness. A good example is high fibre food like fruit and vegetables.
Before you can realistically start making progress towards your nutrition goals, you must have these three aspects of nutrition at the front of your mind.
These are: timing of food, type of food and the amount of food and must be followed in this order.
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Many different cultures have found apples to benefit them in different ways. The early Greeks thought apples tasted like honey and used them to heal a huge range of ailments. In American folk medicine the apple is called “the king of fruits.” Italian, Irish and French researchers have all confirmed that eating green apples lowers blood cholesterol.
An apple or some freshly made apple juice will help ward off hunger pains while you’re counting calories. Apples clean the digestive system and boost metabolism.
Sugar control
Along with dried beans, apples are one of the best regulators of blood sugar. They are near the bottom of the glycemic index – a measure of how fast blood sugar rises after eating – and so are an excellent food for diabetics and others who need to avoid steep rises in blood sugar.
Apples are rich in antioxidants, which help the body fight off free radicals that are implicated in a number of illnesses, including cancer.
In addition to their high fibre and heart-healthy properties, apples are great teeth cleaners. Research has shown that an apple helps prevent tooth decay by stopping food from sticking to your teeth. When you can’t brush after a meal, rub a piece of apple or the back of the apple skin gently over your gums.
Apple cider vinegar
This is made from freshly fermented apples. It helps keep your kidneys and bladder in good working order to effectively eliminate waste from the body, and is a high source of potassium and other important minerals. Drinking two teaspoonfuls in water or lemon juice every day is a great liver cleanser and blood purifier.
Cleansing Lotion
Apple cider vinegar is anti-bacterial. Add 100ml distilled water to 10ml apple cider vinegar and apply to your face with a cloth especially during breakouts. Rinse with warm water.
For the skin
Try an apple and honey mask. Blend one grated apple, one teaspoon organic yoghurt, one teaspoon organic honey. Smooth it on your face and leave for 10 minutes.
Tired, sore legs
Add a cup of apple cider vinegar to a shallow bath. Move your legs up and down to stimulate circulation.
Apple Poultice
Apply grated apple or just a piece of apple to cuts and grazes to dry, protect and heal a wound. An apple is an ideal first-aid kit for campers and bushwalkers!
Did you know?
• Apples contain 60-90 per cent natural mineral water
• A medium sized apple has only 81 calories
• Viruses don’t live in the presence of apple juice
• Apple skin is high in pectin fibre, a well-known anti-cholesterol agent, and is one of the best sources of soluble fibre.
• A sour apple at bedtime will cure constipation and help you sleep
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Planning ahead for the family meals will ensure your weight goal success. We tend to unravel when there is no forward planning and we just throw something together or get take away as a quick option.
Previously, people would use the food pyramid as a guide to help form the basis for meals and menu planning. While it still has some merits to it, research shows that the food pyramid suggests an over use of carbohydrates which would in turn lead to weight gain. Instead, we should be encouraging a high use of vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables and a moderate use of lean protein as well as fruits.
This will help to make sure you have the basic food requirements met for all family members. Then cross check and plan by looking over basic food categories to target healthy foods to fit the lifestyles and health of everyone. For example, if someone has depression, add some foods mentioned above to his or her dietary plans that aid in the healing and prevention of depression.
You need to consider several factors when planning the family meals. These factors include the number of people eating, meal times, special dietary concerns, budget, available foods, and recipes on hand and likes and dislikes of everyone who will be eating. Start by choosing foods and recipes that you like and
know how to prepare well and that fit into everyone’s dietary requirements. If one or more people have special needs, like diabetics, plan ahead for the necessary food substitutions for that individual or for those individuals.
When making choices for meals, you can be adventurous! You don’t always have to stick to the way that the foods are advertised. For instance, eggs and sausage can be served for dinner, not just breakfast. And waffles can be made from healthy wheat grains and eaten for lunch with fresh fruits, instead of sugary syrup and heavy butter for breakfast. Add variety, too. Have other family members jump in and prepare meals some nights and on weekends. Kids enjoy making home made pizzas, so host a pizza night on Wednesdays where you can use thin crust flat bread and loads of veggies for topping, for example. Then alternate different vegetable combinations, colors and textures to vary the menu on a weekly basis (no need to let boredom take over on Wednesdays with the same routine!)
Sometimes the budget can be a contributing factor to the meal planning. To help, clip coupons from newspapers, weekend inserts, and any place you can find them. Also note seasonal food selections for savings. Create menus and meals based upon what’s on special that week or month. Use your freezer space to stock up and store special-priced items and family favourites when possible. But don’t over do it. Supermarkets and convenience stores are generally readily available so there is no need to hoard. An old saying, “Haste makes waste” might apply if you see a great buy, purchase multiple items, then let them become outdated and have to toss them out. Only purchase what you know you can use in the coming months.
It can be fun to save by trading coupons and working out food deals with friends, family, neighbors, your church group and anyone else who’d like to join in. Food cooperatives and farm markets available in your area may offer special pricing to groups or large purchases. So team up for better purchasing power and split everything up between group members. If you’re not into that much organization, go one-on-one with a neighbour, other friend or relative. Buy a huge bag of potatoes, onions, oats, and / or other foods, then share.
Even though you can plan your meals with all good intentions, there is one important factor to note. It’s unfortunate, but fast foods, especially those that are high in fat content (fried, greasy foods), are often cheaper than good, healthy food choices. For example, lean beef costs more than high-fat beef; cereals high in nutritional value are often priced much higher than the low-cost, sugary brand names. And low income and homeless people are particularly victims of this situation, many times needing to turn to the less healthier food choices for survival. If you can manage it, keep the costs of food down by growing it yourself. Homegrown fruits and vegetables taste better than bought stuff and at least you know it is chemical free. Home veggie patches can also offer hours of fun for the kids, while teaching them the importance of good food choices.
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When it comes to weight loss, there are a million diets, theories, gimicks and meal replacement options out there, all wanting to offer you solutions to the never ending “diet” problem. But the problem with most of these diets and schemes is that they are not maintainable for life.
Who wants to be drinking shakes for the rest of their life instead of eating real meals? Who wants to being buying pre made frozen meals forever? Are you really going to maintain counting calories or popping pills?
If you are really honest with yourself you will come to the conclusion that none of this is maintainable for life. And let’s face it, there is no point working hard to lose your extra weight if it is just going to pile back on as soon as you relax your control.
A more sustainable way is to reduce your carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrate are classified as either simple or complex and are found in foods like pasta, bread, fruits, sugar, lollies, processed foods and some vegetables. Complex carbohydrates are the main component of breads, rice, pasta, wholegrain cereals and most filling energy dense foods. They are generally low GI foods. Simple carbohydrates are in sugars, lollies, fruits, sugary cereals and processed foods. Most of these foods are higher in GI.
complex carbohydrate foods are generally healthy, they do cause an insulin response from your body. This means that once the carbohydrates are digested, the body goes into action to try and digest them. The pancreas releases insulin and it sets about trying to break down the carbohydrates to release energy into the blood stream. This reaction gives us a “buzz” of energy. Generally after we have eaten carbohydrates we feel energetic and happy. Unfortunately, the “buzz” comes to an end and we crave that feeling again. Therefore we want to eat more of these foods to keep the feeling alive. This feeling is even stronger with simple carbohydrates and sugars because the energy release is quicker and we need to replenish the foods quicker to keep that buzz going. That’s why after we eat chocolate or lollies we feel almost desperate to have more straight away.
The problem with consuming high amounts of carbohydrates, whether they be complex or simple, is that we keep wanting more. We rarely feel satisfied and are forever grazing and snacking to try and overcome the hunger feeling. Although eating regularly is a good thing, most high carbohydrate foods are also high in calories. So therefore we are eating too much food, too many calories and we are never really satisfied.
Another issue from consuming too many carbohydrates is that they hold water. So whenever you have eaten carbohydrates, you will probably find yourself feeling bloated afterwards. This is particularly evident after eating pasta or bread. The carbohydrates, even the healthier complex ones, will hold onto any liquid that you have consumed. So you end up feeling bloated, lethargic once the “buzz” wears off and generally dissatisfied.
To reduce your carbohydrate intake, you are best to replace your usual pastas, rices and breads with lean meats and add lots of vegetables and salads. Regular meals and snacks should consist of lean chicken, lamb, beef, fish and seafood as well as occasional consumption of nuts and eggs. Meals should include loads of fibrous vegetables including lots of green, red and yellow vegetables. Potato, sweet potato and pumpkin should be very limited as they are a starchy vegetable that has a similar reaction to carbohydrates. Some vegetables like peas, carrots and corn are still reasonably high in simple carbohydrates so should be limited to 3 days a week.
Many people would panic as soon as you mention cutting out most of your carbohydrates, but it is not as difficult as it seems. You see, once the body stops receiving excessive carbohydrates it will actually stop craving them too. So it is easier to cut out most carbohydrates, rather than just reducing them slightly as the insulin response is incredibly lower for a very low carbohydrate diet. Also, increasing your protein intakes helps keep your body feeling satisfied as proteins help with that “full” feeling. Eating proteins regularly also helps to fuel your metabolism, so your body will be able to use body fat as an energy source as there won’t be excessive carbohydrates to feed off.
Research has shown that the best way to lose weight, and to maintain your weight loss, is to dramatically reduce carbohydrate intake and replace them with lean proteins and loads of fibrous vegetables and salads. So stock up with fridge with low fat meats, plenty of veggies and salads.
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Parts of plant foods that is not broken down or absorbed by the digestive system, is referred to as fibre. Fruit, vegetables, cereals, grains and legumes all contain fibre. Dietary fibre is also known as non-starch polysaccharides. This is because it has the same structure as polysaccharides, but it is not a starch.
Some starches act like dietary fibre, but are not digested and pass into the large intestine (bowel). These are known as “resistant starches”. These starches may also have some of the same good qualities of fibre.
Healthy bacteria in the bowel will break down resistant starch and produce butyrate. Butyrate helps reduce the chances of carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) damaging the bowel lining. It also aids to keep the bowel healthy.
Resistant starch can also help increase healthy bacteria growth in the bowel, and reduce pathogenic bacteria growth. It can also help with regularity and to increase the bulk of faeces. Small amounts of resistant starch can be found in pasta, rice, lentils, various cereals and a supplement called “Hi-Maize” TM. This supplement is a corn based product that is added to many food products.
There are two types of dietary fibre, soluble and insoluble fibeer. Insoluble fibre reduces constipation and helps speed up the digestive processes. Soluble fibre aids with lowering blood cholesterol by binding bile acids. Bile acids are made from cholesterol and will digest fats. If bile acids are bound and excreted, the body needs to convert more cholesterol to bile acids, which in turn, decreases blood cholesterol.
Soluble fibre helps regulate blood sugar by slowing down absorption of glucose. This lowers the glycaemic index (gi) of foods. Therefore soluble fibre is helpful in protecting against coronary heart disease and in the control of diabetes.
Both soluble and insoluble fibre increases the bulk of foods we eat. This helps to ease the passage through the gastrointestinal tract. Fibre will also increase the absorption of water, and bulk up faeces, so more fluids are required to reduce the chance of constipation. At least a 6-8 glasses per day (2 Litres) of fluid is recommended to keep the digestive tract moving properly.
The bulking up effect of fibre can also assist with weight control as it helps to keep you feeling full. Eating plans that are high in fibre tend to be low in energy density and usually rich in low glycaemic index CHOs. They are normally low in fat, bulky and are often recommended to anyone attempting to lose weight.
Dietary Fibre Content of Foods
Food |
Dietary fibre content (grams) |
BREADS (per slice) |
Dark rye |
3.6 |
Fruit loaf |
1.0 |
High fibre white |
1.3 |
Lebanese 110g |
3.0 |
Multi grain |
1.4 |
Rye |
1.7 |
White |
0.8 |
White toast thickness |
1.1 |
Wholemeal |
2.0 |
Bread roll white |
1.8 |
Bread roll wholemeal |
5.0 |
Muffin half |
1.0 |
Cracker bread wholemeal 2 |
1.0 |
Rye crispbread 2 |
2.0 |
BREAKFAST CEREALS, GRAINS, CEREALS (average serving size) |
Allbran |
9.5 |
Bran flakes |
7.0 |
Cornflakes, Special K |
1.0 |
Muesli |
8.0 |
Muesli flakes |
3.5 |
Nutrigrain, Rice Bubbles |
0.5 |
Porridge |
5.0 |
Unprocessed bran 1 Tbsp |
3.0 |
Weet-Bix 2 |
3.0 |
Wheat germ 1 Tbsp |
2.0 |
Pasta cooked 2 cups |
6.5 |
Rice cooked 1 cup white |
1.5 |
Rice cooked 1 cup brown |
3.0 |
Cracked wheat ½ cup |
5.5 |
Asparagus |
1.5 |
Beans green |
3.0 |
Beans kidney, lima, soya 1 cup |
12.0 |
Beans baked 1 cup |
13.0 |
Bean sprouts |
0.5 |
Broccoli |
4.0 |
Brussel sprouts |
3.0 |
Cabbage |
2.0 |
Carrots |
3.0 |
Cauliflower |
3.0 |
Celery |
1.0 |
Corn on the cob 1 cob |
6.5 |
Cucumber |
0.5 |
Lentils |
7.5 |
Lettuce |
1.5 |
Mushrooms |
2.5 |
Parsnip |
3.0 |
Peas 1 cup |
7.0 |
Potato with skin |
3.5 |
Potato peeled |
1.5 |
Pumpkin |
1.5 |
Spinach |
4.5 |
Sweet potato |
2.5 |
Tomato |
2.0 |
Yam |
4.0 |
Zucchini |
2.0 |
Apple |
3.5 |
Apricots |
3.0 |
Avocado half |
2.0 |
Banana |
3.0 |
Blackberries half punnet |
9.0 |
Cherries 150g |
2.5 |
Figs fresh 1 |
2.0 |
Figs dried 50g |
6.5 |
Grapes 200g |
2.0 |
Grapefruit half |
1.0 |
Kiwi fruit |
2.5 |
Mango |
3.5 |
Melon 200g |
2.0 |
Nectarine |
2.0 |
Orange |
3.0 |
Passionfruit 1 |
3.0 |
Pawpaw 150g |
3.5 |
Peach |
2.0 |
Pear |
4.0 |
Pineapple 120g slice |
2.5 |
Plums 2 |
4.0 |
Prunes 6 |
5.0 |
Raisins or sultanas 50g |
2.5 |
Raspberries half punnet |
9.0 |
Rhubarb cooked |
4.0 |
Strawberries half punnet |
3.0 |
Watermelon 200g slice |
1.5 |
Almonds |
4.5 |
Brazil nuts |
4.0 |
Cashews |
3.0 |
Coconut fresh |
4.0 |
Coconut dried 1 Tbsp |
1.5 |
Hazelnuts |
5.0 |
Macadamias |
3.0 |
Peanuts |
4.0 |
Peanut butter 1 Tbsp |
2.5 |
Pecans |
4.0 |
Pine nuts 1 Tbsp |
1.0 |
Pistachios |
4.5 |
Walnuts |
3.0 |
Pumpkin seeds 1 Tbsp |
2.0 |
Sesame seeds 1 Tbsp |
0.5 |
Sunflower seeds 1 Tbsp |
1.0 |
Tahini 1 Tbsp |
3.5 |
Popped corn |
1.0 |
Corn chips 50g |
5.0 |
Meats all types, poultry, seafood |
0.0 |
Milk, cheese, dairy product |
0.0 |
Eggs |
0.0 |
Fats |
0.0 |
Sugars |
0.0 |
Westerners are encouraged to consume 30g fibre per day. The average Western diet contains 15-20g/day.
Rich food sources of insoluble fibre
Wholegrain wheat based breads, cereals, pastas and crackers
Wheat bran
Rich food sources of soluble fiber
Legumes (e.g. baked beans, kidney beans)
Oats (e.g. porridge)
Nuts and seeds
Psyllium husks
It is important to not over consume fibre as it can lead to nutrient imbalances. Keeping fibre intake within the recommended limits is the best way to go. An excessively high fibre diet can reduce your absorption of other vital nutrients. Commonly, unprocessed bran can be added to cereals to assist with regularity. Unprocessed bran is high in phytic acid. This can bind and decrease the absorption of dietary calcium, zinc and iron. Consume just one to two tablespoons daily and all will be fine.
Tips to increase Fibre intake
Eat at least 2 pieces of fruit each day, keeping the skin on where possible
Eat plenty of wholemeal and wholegrain breads and cereals
Regularly eat legumes and lentils
Replace white flour with wholemeal flour when possible
Snack on high fibre foods
Consume plenty of rice, pasta and other grains
Eat 5 serves of vegetables each day (1 serve = ½ cup)
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